MalTajMae Group Of Companies
The Mal Tajmae Group of companies are an Independent Investments group of businesses with collective assets under the efficient management and administration of an active and reliable Investment Blockchain Cycle amassing up to £5billion. Employing over 900 people in Europe, Middle East and currently expanding its reach to the U.S and Canada. This innovative group of companies offers wealth planning, investment sourcing and fiduciary services to both corporate and personal clients. In addition it offers asset management, financial and family office services to a diverse and quick expanding client base.
Each company is subserviently managed and strategically patterned to work in shifts and bits then report directly to the headquarteres of the Mal Tajmae Group on the Persian Gulf Shore, Dubai Marina, Dubai. Other offices in Kuala Lumpur, malaysia, London, Uk and Salzbug, Austria, Representative/Family home offices and staffs are also located all over the world and expanding daily.
Dubai office
8 Burj Khalifa Street
Business bay,
Austria Office
Kochgasse 18,
1080 wien
London Office
61 Westfield Stratford
United Kingdom